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Monday, October 12, 2009
this week

Hahas, it's actually quite unbelievable tat im bck to posting.
okay, this is the saddest thing in the holiday, i forgot to go for ear piercing. soooooo sad. but nvm lar, can go nxt year.

erm, going out with maxine and valencia tmr. not really for shopping or things lik tat, but for school project. amazing right, there is still homework during december holiday. perhaps tat's juz rv life part 1. get used to it(:
we're going to the library to borrow books, and tat is part of our holiday hw. we need to present to the clas books we read. even though it's for work, i am still looking forward to tmr(:


okay, bck to ytd.
super lot of things happened ytd. but none of them i wanna mention here. i only can say that i made stuff better ytd. training was fine, but home... actually the atmosphere became somewhat better at first. but reverted bck after dinner. wanted to do something about it but duno can do wad to improve. juz hoping it would nt get worse. now then i really understand wad is forced to be mature. although i always thought tat the environment for me always forces me to think and do things more mature than others, but now is different. i nid to understand, solve problems, etc. perhaps tat's the burden i can carrying, but i dun feel unfair. probably bcoz i feel part of the family. not being able to go chalet, go out wif friends, i am actually not at all angry. perhaps last time i will feel tat way but now going all tat stuff seem meaningless to me.

now only focusing on becoming a doctor. so canot play lik siao le. must work hard(: oh ya, im going to the human body exhibition at Science Centre. how can i miss it? my area of interest. nth more to say le. so i tink i will juz end here ba.

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